Mother’s Day 2025

Rona of Hammond and Chessmates Ottawa support Live Chess on Parliament

J. Lalonde & Fils supported Live Chess on Parliament by providing 4 x 8 foot sheets of lattice which will be used as the white squares for the game to be held on Parliament Hill on May 12, 2024 at 2 pm to 5 pm. 

Chessmates Ottawa joined up to share the excitement with members and will be assisting on the day of the event.

All sponsorships are online as we have strict guidelines in keeping with the rules for producing the event on Parliament Hill. The social recognition of being associated with an important historic event in support of a great cause seems to be the biggest driving factor in the overwhelming support to date. Look to see more sponsors announced in coming weeks leading up to Live Chess on Parliament, May 12, 2024 at 2 pm on Parliament Hill, Ottawa.

For further Sponsor information and links visit Sponsors.

For event information and other engagement, Contact