Mother’s Day 2025

White Rook (Castle) – Zachariah Sutton – Chess Piece

Welcome Zachariah Sutton to Live Chess on Parliament. Zachariah is our First White Rook or Castle. Here is what Zachariah has to say about himself and his intersection with the game of Chess:

“I have been enjoying chess as a hobby for about a year now.  Starting with just friends in the backyard, to learning how to be better. Looking forward to engaging with others that share the hobby.

For a profession I am a cook. “
The White Rook is a piece to be used straight up and down the board. It protects the King in the corner when a “Castle” move is completed as part of a defensive strategy. The white rook can also make Checkmate a reality later in the game. Definitely want to keep this one on the board.

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