October 27, 2024 – 2 pm to 5 pm

White Queen – Jilleen Niles – Chess Piece

The White Queen does not have the first move in the game of chess however once the pawn lets her out, she certainly may have the last.

Our White Queen for Live Chess on Parliament is none other than Jilleen Niles.

I am a first nation Mi’kmaq woman from Truro Nova scotia who has resided in Ottawa for the past 25 years. I would say that I am a beginner chess player even though I’ve been playing since I was 15 years old.
I stopped playing for about 20 years and started playing again more competitively in the last four years. I fell in love with chess again so much that I started my own chess club at Eddy’s Diner called Queen Jilleen’s chess club!!!! The free play chess club runs every Friday night at the diner I used to manage downtown in the Glebe. I’ve played players of all different ratings and styles from beginners to masters and I find that I still need a lot of work but the challenge of the game is what keeps me going!! I play online, I play in person, and now I get the chance to play live on Parliament Hill and I’m very excited to be given the chance at being the white queen.

Look for updates on the 2025 version and watch the live chess drama unfold.

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