October 27, 2024 – 2 pm to 5 pm

Black Pawn – Irma Angélica González Luna – Chess Piece

Welcome to the Live Chess on Parliament board our Black Pawn. Here is a little about this amazing person!

Irma Angélica González Luna is a veterinarian from the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México (UNAM). She embarked on her academic journey with a great passion for understanding the intricate of the neurobiological bases of Alzheimer’s Disease attending a master’s in science degree, a field that captivated her curiosity with its profound exploration of the brain and nervous system. Then Irma went deeper into the biomedical sciences field, finishing her attainment of a doctoral degree. Her doctoral research was primarily focused on investigating the complexities of circadian rhythm and Alzheimer’s Disease, and the ways by which they are intertwined and cause significant challenges to both individuals and society.

Right now she is looking for an opportunity to continue her passion for the science here in Canada.

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